Water Europe Innovation Awards winners 2023

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Water Innovation Europe 2023 concluded last week where we celebrated the six winners of the prestigious Water Europe Innovation Awards for this year. The atmosphere was filled with excitement during the WIE2023 ceremony dinner, as everyone eagerly awaited the announcement of the winners. The six winners were awarded for their ground-breaking solutions and innovations in the water sector.

🏆 Water-Smart MEP Award: Michal Wiezik
🏆 SME Award: Hydroko
🏆 Water Governance Award: BlueArk
🏆 Water Technology & Infrastructure Award: Águas do Tejo Atlântico
🏆 Digital Water Award: LACROIX
🏆 Global Water Challenges Award: Agua DB

Michal Wiezik is the winner of the Water-Smart MEP Award. Michal has demonstrated an outstanding work as a Member of the European Parliament who has contributed to achieving a Water-Smart Society in Europe and beyond. This video is the speech he addressed during the dinner ceremony of the Water Europe Innovation Awards 2023. Learn more about his role here.

Hydroko has won this year’s SME Award for the HydroKonekt solution, which facilitates water utilities and end-users to measure, control, manage, and predict water consumption levels. The system helps households to save up to 25% on their water consumption while maintaining the same comfort. Discover more.

BlueArk is the winner of the Water Governance Award. Their Iris irrigation measurement system addresses water supply in the Alpine regions. The Iris irrigation box allows to easily collect data from different sensors, and track the water flows in the watershed from glaciers to forks. To learn more, visit the official website.

Águas do Tejo Atlântico won the Water Technology & Infrastructure Award for their Action Plan for the Management of Industrial Wastewater in Greater Lisbon and Western Portugal (AgIR). It plays a key role in water-related decision-making processes by resolving complex problems like the undue inflows of industrial wastewater and improving public sanitation services while preserving water bodies. Discover more.

LACROIX is the winner of the Digital Water Award for their designed ”Water Augmented Advisor” tool. Developed through a strong collaboration with Nevers City, this tool is the first one capable to boost utility productivity while helping to make decisions faster and saving a lot of drinking water. Check more.

Agua DB is the winner of the Global Water Challenges Award for the NTPlus innovation. NTPlus promotes the uptake of smart irrigation, helping both the water and agricultural sectors move towards net zero, introducing circular economy into agriculture and improving the resilience of rural agricultural communities to climate change. Visit the official website to learn more.

Last updated: 29 June 2023

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