Independent news on the EU water sector
Updated flood risk maps in Spain double the number of homes currently located in flood-prone areas to nearly 2 million, ...
In the spotlight
The WATER-MINING project’s contributions to circular water solutions and technologies have opened up innovative pathways in the international quest for...
Veronica Piuri, a researcher and project manager at Politecnico di Milano in Italy, operates at the intersection of science and...
Country water profiles
The European water sector is providing water services for a population of nearly 450 million in 27 European countries. The...
Water News Europe is providing profiles of the water sector in different Member States. The Republic of Poland has been...
Water News Europe provides independent news on the EU water sector.
Water News Europe is an independent news medium for the European water sector. Our freelance journalists report on water issues in EU Member States. We provide reports about European water legislation (i.e. WFD, DWD), technological innovations, business opportunities, environmental and water projects and the latest insights of non-governmental organisations like UN Water, OECD and WBSCD.