More news WRI: Four European countries are subject to extreme water stress Brussels urges eight Member States to finalise water management plans Call for Blue Deal in open letter to EU BIGDATA 4RIVERS leads to smart river management policies in Portugal Smart irrigation saves water with state-of-the-art technology Industrial pollution of the Rhine not improving New UWWTD under fire over Extended Producer Responsibility Gaia: “I want to stand up for the inclusion of young professionals” Paris: Water sector against reverse osmosis plans Opportunities for technology that extracts water from air Esther: “We need to focus on regeneration and digitalization” Spanish protests against open pit quartz mine ECDC-report: Increased rates of Legionnaires’ disease in Europe Commission stands by proposal to halve chemical pesticides use MEPs support plans to reduce industrial emissions Sandra: “Mitigating the impacts of climate change” French water saving plan to combat drought Italy in the dock over wastewater failures European Commission liaises with Google on flood warning systems Cyprus risks fine for failure to comply with EU wastewater rules Desalination plans for Algarve scaled up « Previous page Next page » National Water Media