France: cutting off water is illegal

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French citizens are illegally cut of from their drinking water supply by private water companies. By taking their ‘case’ to court French consumers could regain their access to drinking water. Water companies, like Veolia and Saur, are referring to the law that permits them to cut off non-paying customers of water, or gas and electricity as well. But a court in Soisson has recently shown that access to water cannot be denied to customers.

By decision of the court of Soisson, 100 km northeast of Paris, Veolia has been obliged to pay a fine for cutting off water from a family. The family has regained their access to water. French citizens are advised not to worry about possible warning letters of their water supplier to cut off their water. They should address to the mayor with their warning letters. If the supplier insists, they should address to consumers organization or political parties. According to French calculations, around 2 millions of French citizens are denied access to water.


EU Member States have a duty to ensure free access to water is guaranteed for all. All suppliers should provide safe drinking water and improve sanitation. The European Parliament voted on the 8th of September on a report of Member of Parliament Lynn Boylan. The report was adopted with 363 votes in favour, 96 against and 261 abstentions.

Last updated: 2 August 2023

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