European Commission steps up for water reuse

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Water reuse as a new resource. Picture: Wikimedia Commons.

In December 2015 the European Commission presented their plans for the circular economy. If it comes to water Euro commissioner Vella has high expectations of reusing water of communal waste water plants. For example for industrial or agricultural purposes.

The reuse of treated wastewater in safe and cost-effective conditions is a under-used means of increasing water supply and alleviating pressure on over-exploited water resources in the EU. Water reuse in agriculture also contributes to nutrients recycling by substitution of solid fertilisers. The European Commission is planning to take a series of actions to promote the reuse of treated wastewater, including legislation on minimum requirements for reused water.

Water Reuse Europe
The website Water Reuse Europe is gathering information and providing contacts for the industry. Water Reuse Europe (WRE) is the trade association for organisations involved in the European water reuse sector. WRE’s mission is to create a collective identity for the European water reuse sector and promote an innovative and dynamic water reuse industry.

Last updated: 20 July 2021

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