Brussels is taking UK to court over poor waste water treatment

Gibraltar has no treatment plant at all. Picture: Wikimedia Commons.

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The European Commission is taking the United Kingdom to court over its failure to ensure that urban waste water is adequately treated in 17 agglomerations. According to the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive European member States need adequate collection and treatment systems for urban waste water.

In four of the agglomerations (Banchory, Stranraer, Ballycastle, and Clacton), treatment is inadequate, and one agglomeration, Gibraltar, has no treatment plant at all. In ten other agglomerations, where the waste water discharges into sensitive areas such as freshwaters and estuaries, the existing treatment fails to meet the more stringent standards required for such areas.

EU legislation on urban waste water treatment dates back to 1991, with long lead times for the implementation deadlines. Member States had until the end of 1998 to ensure stringent treatment for wastewater from agglomerations discharging into sensitive areas. They had until the end of 2000 to ensure appropriate treatment from large agglomerations discharging into undesignated waters and until the end of 2005 for discharges from medium-sized agglomerations and discharges to freshwater and estuaries from small agglomerations.

Overflowing systems
The case also concerns excessive spills from storm water overflows in collecting systems serving the agglomerations of Llanelli and Gowerton. Innovative and environmentally positive sustainable urban drainage solutions are now being implemented to improve the situation. However the current spill rates are still too high and compliance is not foreseen before 2020. The deadline for having in place compliant collecting systems for these agglomerations was end 2000. The European Commission is referring this case on the 26th of March 2015 to the Court of Justice of the EU.

Last updated: 16 July 2021

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